Process Mapping


The main purpose behind business process mapping is to assist organizations in becoming more efficient. A clear and detailed business process map or diagram allows outside firms to come in and look at whether or not improvements can be made to the current process.

Business process mapping takes a specific objective and helps to measure and compare that objective alongside the entire organization’s objectives to make sure that all processes are aligned with the company’s values and capabilities.

Business process mapping, also known as process charts, has become much more prevalent and understood in the business world in recent years. Once created by a bricklayer to increase efficiency, process mapping is now being used by companies worldwide.

The Four Major Steps of Process Mapping:

  1. Process identification — attaining a full understanding of all the steps of a process.
  2. Information gathering — identifying objectives, risks, and key controls in a process.
  3. Interviewing and mapping — understanding the point of view of individuals in the process and designing actual maps.
  4. Analysis — utilizing tools and approaches to make the process run more effectively and efficiently.

Process Mapping