AccountEdge Will Not Be Catalina Compatible For The Foreseeable Future

AccountEdge recently released an article that  AccountEdge will not be a be able to release a version of their software that will be compliant with macOS Catalina for the foreseeable future. Here is what they said:

“We are disappointed to share that we will not be able to offer a Catalina-compliant version of AccountEdge – now or in the future. In the end, AccountEdge’s 30-year-old codebase proved too outdated to establish compatibility with Apple’s newest operating system. In spite of a multi-year project that involved a team of developers and analysts, it’s a project we will not be able to complete.

We recognize the inconvenience this presents to many loyal, long-time AccountEdge Mac users and for that we are truly sorry. Until very recently it has been our earnest intention to deliver you something compliant, new and awesome.

We’ve outlined your options, whether you choose to continue using AccountEdge (including on macOS Catalina) or to evaluate our best-in-class cloud solutions where we can, of course, help to convert your AccountEdge data.”


AccounEdge did go on to say that you have the option to:

  1. Don’t upgrade to Catalina and use you AccountEdge software with the previous versions of the macOS.Or:
  2. To run macOS Catalina and continue to use AccountEdge for Mac within a Parallels virtual machine environment. You basically create a virtual machine environment on you macOS Catalina system were you can install an use your AccountEdge software, using Parallel tools. View the video provided by AccountEdge to give an example: 



Here is a link to the original article:

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