iOS Applications

Apple_iOS1Developed by PQS:


ttma2TTMA Mobile App

This is the Trinidad and Tobago Manufacturers’ Association (TTMA) Mobile App.

The TTMA exists to promote, encourage and assist the growth and development of manufacturing industries in Trinidad and Tobago.

Use our app to stay linked to what’s happening in Trinidad and Tobago and regional manufacturing spheres, schedule business to business meetings and contact the TTMA!
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mytrinilimeiosMy Trini Lime 2.0

We all want to know where to lime! We have updated the My Trini Lime App. Introducing My Trini Lime 2.0  We all want to know where to lime! So we decided to create an app and website for you to search events and fetes in Trinidad and Tobago and submit your own events.  Have fun selecting where to lime and see you front and center stage!
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